How to develop India in a very big way? By Muniyara Ramasimhan (Gijo Vijayan)

How to develop India in a very big way? By Muniyara Ramasimhan (Gijo Vijayan)

Muniyara Ramasimhan (Gijo Vijayan)

Why this book?
My name is Gijo Vijayan, and my pen name is Muniyara Ramasimhan. I am a former Mechanical Engineer and entrepreneur based in Bangalore. I am writing this book to guide the people and government of India into the path of development in a very big way. We must become a developed nation by 2047, that exactly after 100 years of our independence on August 15, 1947.
To achieve this target, we the people of India and government need to work hard and plan well for the future. We need to create a system in place where there is no scope for error. We need to make solid plan and execute the same with diligence so that ultimately the people of India live in developed INDIA.

India has come a long way from the colonial past. We have a great history and culture. What we need most right now is confidence in ourselves. A country where people have strong faith in their culture and tradition will rise like a phoenix in spite of any bad situation. Japan is the classic example right in front of our eyes. The 1.4 billion people of India can be a role model for the rest of the world in development, peace and prosperity.

Swami Vivekanand ji has already predicted that Bharat (India) will become the Vishwa guru — the knowledge hub of the world, guiding rest of the world into the path of enlightenment and spiritual development again. Hundreds of years back India (Bharat) was Vihswa Guru of the world and we will regain that position in future, there is no doubt about it.

We the people of India is unaware of our own power. We have a great legacy and culture. We have preserved our great culture despite being attacked by invaders over thousands of years in the past. I want to give you a glimpse of ancient India (Bharat) and what our ancestors have created in the past that no one could procreate through this book.

When we have strong faith in ourselves, we will grow and develop in a big way. We must stop looking at others for recognition and appreciation, especially the America and western nations. We must stand on our own legs and develop India. “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” — a self-dependant India which is a role model to other countries is the need of the hour. Execution is the key to growth; we need to work hard to make India a developed nation by 2047.

The foundation of our future growth is rooted in the deep faith in our culture and tradition. To develop India in a big way, we need to nurture young generation and instil a sense of great pride and confidence in them right from a very young age. When our youth look at ourselves and take action, India will become unstoppable.

The basic aim of this books is to enable the youth of this country to believe in themselves and work hard towards a better future with targets in mind. No matter, what the circumstances are, have a dream, work hard every day to achieve your goal. Goal setting right from a very young age is extremely important for the success of individual and our great nation — India.
When millions of young people of India work diligently towards their goal in a disciplined manner, the whole nation will progress. India will become powerful and unstoppable in future.

Now days the youth of India is migrating to foreign countries for work. This must change. People from middle east, USA, Canada, Latin America, Europe and Africa must struggle to get a job in India and work here. Now days millions of people from all over the world want to migrate and settle in America. The same should happen with India. We must become powerful and become the centre of power, prosperity and spirituality.
India should become the number one country in the world in terms of GDP, innovation, lifestyle, infrastructure, art and culture, spirituality and modern living. To achieve this goal, a great change of mindset is required. It is not easy at all. A complete change in our educational system is the need of the hour. Our youth lack confidence right now in our system and that is why they are migrating to other countries.

We must stop glorifying the foreign powers and invaders who looted and plundered us for thousands of years. We must feel that our culture and system is better than that of Europe and USA. We need to change content of our textbooks. Our kids must learn about our glorious past and achievements and should feel proud first. They must defend our culture and tradition first. This will boost their morale and they can achieve better.
Our education system must be action oriented rather than theory oriented. Every student must learn life skills at school and college. Every student is a genius, we must identify the talent in the kids at very young age and nurture them so that they become experts in their respective fields when they become youth.

When India has millions of talented young people, who have great skills, our country India will become No:1 in innovation like Japan. What the world has not seen till now should emerge from India. This should be the target of our government and working people.

This book aims at giving a message to the youth of India that “We can do it”. We are No:1 and we will achieve the same at any cost. For India to become a developed nation by 2047, we need to have a strong vision. Transfer this vision to the youth of India through educational curriculum. All students must learn about “Vision India -2047” in their curriculum and should be prepared for action in future. We need to run campaigns in schools, colleges and universities about this program and enlighten students. Once our targets and goals are clear, then what we need is innovation and action.
We must convert millions of youths of India into action takers and risk takers. We must reject the “book worm culture” that is widely prevailing in our educational system today. Each and every young student should have a vision and target in life. All government departments, universities, colleges, government departments etc need to have their own vision and targets for future and it must be written down. A clear action plan for future must be envisaged so that people take action and achieve targets meticulously.

The most important part of development of any nation is the honesty of the ruling class and deep faith in their culture. One of the reasons why Japan is one of the most innovative and prosperous nation today is because of the people’s deep sense of national pride and education which is practical and action oriented. Kids learn by doing things in Japan at a very young age. They are taught how to respect others, obey traffic rules, how to cook, how to clean their surroundings right from the beginning of their education at kindergarten.

Once we install a strong and ethical education in kids combined with basic moral values we can build a strong nation. So, I want to tell you that the basic foundation of strong nation building must start from the kindergarten. To achieve this, we must bring back our “Gurukul System of education” of ancient India with modern science.

This book is a 100% deviation from conventional thinking. We the people of India must change our educational system and mindset completely for India to become a developed nation by 2047. We have to conduct surgical strikes on our thought process and attitude at the earliest. We must destroy everything that is stopping us from becoming a developed nation. The enemies of India from within and outside are working day and night to break our great nation, they must be crushed brutally and mercilessly at any cost.

Every citizen of India must vow to make “Bharat” a “Vishwa Guru” by 2047. We need to give targets to everyone to achieve the same. Like little drops of water make a mighty ocean, when all of us work together, we can achieve a lot.

I want to remind each and every person reading this book that this book is a guide to the government and people, how to make India a developed nation by 2047. From August 15, 1947, we have come a long way till now. India is a powerful nation of 140 crore people, we have a great culture, ancient history, tradition and value system. Now we need to recognize our own power and take action. India right now is like a huge elephant tied with a small rope and the chained elephant thinks that it is a slave and can’t break the rope. Our mindset is stopping us from becoming a developed nation, like that of the elephant which think it is weak to break the rope of slavery. This book aims at igniting the minds of the youth of India through critical thinking and action.

Change your mindset, take action, set goals and targets on a long term, definitely we can make India developed country by 2047.
Jai Hind

Contents of this book (Index)

Why this book?
Chapter 1: India at a glance
Chapter 2: Revamp Indian Educational system completely. This will make India the next Superpower of the world.
Chapter 3: Hand over Indian Business to women, India will prosper faster.
Chapter 4: Stop printing currency notes and coins in India.
Chapter 5: Simplify our tax system in India. Make tax collection automatic using digital payments.
Chapter 6: Give targets to everyone in India to create vision India 2047.
Chapter 7: Everyone must plant saplings every week to produce food. Set targets for fruit, vegetable and food production in the coming years.
Chapter 8: Dig millions of new wells, lakes all over India to increase our water security.
Chapter 9: We need to make all machinery needed for manufacturing by ourselves and invent new ones to create our own manufacturing ecosystem.
Chapter 10: We need to open 1001 new research institutions all over India. India must become the hub of innovation globally.
Chapter 11: Kick out fossil fuels from India. Bring in Hydrogen fuel, renewable energy, biofuels, Thorium based nuclear plants to power new India.
Chapter 12: Construct 1001 new arms factories in India to boost domestic security and crush enemies of India with weapons.
Chapter 13: Employ palm scan technology everywhere for payments. This technology can ease the lives of millions of people in India. We should popularize face scan technology also.
Chapter 14: All private/government employees of India must spend 5% of their income to buy products made in rural India and boost our village economy.
Chapter 15: Bullet trains travelling at a speed of 800km/hr should connect all the major towns and cities of India. Monorail to connect small towns and villages. Fast moving electric trams should run on roads to reduce traffic.
Chapter 16: India needs to build Hyperloop mode of transport in future. We can also build flying trains that can travel on charged batteries.
Chapter 17: Boost indigenous electronic manufacturing in India. We need to become a manufacturing power like China.
Chapter 18: Dismiss all state electricity boards in India. Create a single company to distribute power all over India with the help of private companies.
Chapter 19: One country one election should be followed all over India. It should be implemented to save money and ease governance.
Chapter 20: Build 1001 new universities in India to teach life skills like cooking, swimming, haircut, tailoring, agriculture, cloth making etc. Abolish mark system and provide grades only.
Chapter 21: Invest in Robotics, create an army of robots, use them exclusively in defence services and manning our borders.
Chapter 22: Introduce air taxi, air train all over India to reduce travel time. Develop aircrafts that can fly with the help of charged batteries.
Chapter 23: Boost space tourism, allow private companies to participate in space technology.
Chapter 24: Ban dowry and caste system in India. Government to conduct marriages in for all citizens of India in future.
Chapter 25: Make it mandatory for all air travellers to invest Rs.25,000/ in government bonds/securities/PSU Schemes/Post office savings for anyone to be eligible for flying.
Chapter 26: Make it mandatory for students in schools and colleges to have post office savings account.
Chapter 27: Introduce face recognition software to reduce crime rate in our country.
Chapter 28: Ban plastic packing of food items, replace the same with alternate materials to save India from plastic pollution.
Chapter 29: Invest in fish farming along the coasts of India and boost our fish production.
Chapter 30: Build massive network of electric highways all over India. Save the use of fossil fuels in large quantities.
Chapter 31: India should open-up space tourism in a big way. Involve private sector companies and try to settle people in the moon and mars in future.
Chapter 32: Abolish random building construction all over India. People should be allowed to construct buildings and homes as per requirement only.
Chapter 33: We need to construct proper gutter and sewage lines everywhere, recycle wastewater and reuse. Convert all kinds of biowaste into biogas and connect to homes via pipes.
Chapter 34: Create a code of conduct for print and electronic media in India.
Chapter 35: Identify and crush the enemies of India both within and outside. Create a secret squad and severely punish the enemies of the nation all over the world.
Chapter 36: All people of south India should learn Hindi, all north Indian students should learn at least one south Indian language to make India strong.
Chapter 37: Introduce social security system in India and provide health insurance to all right from birth, like in America.
Chapter 38: Adopt corporate farming in India to boost our agriculture. Convert waste lands to agricultural lands all over India using latest technology.
Chapter 39: Open startup Banks to fund our startup companies in a big way. We also need to establish startup parks and other supporting infrastructure all over the country.
Chapter 40: Start a mini railway connecting thousands of villages in India to boost our rural economy. Name it “Gaav Wala”.
Chapter 41: India needs its own search engines and social media networks. We should have our own digital ecosystem.
Chapter 42: Every Indian should be able to fly. Make air travel affordable and cheap to common people of India.
Chapter 43: Populate Arunachal Pradesh with 10 million people from Bihar and UP. Build more infrastructure there and secure the state.
Chapter 44: India needs a government agency to manage all the street vendors in India. We also need strong feedback systems to manage our infrastructure and people.
Chapter 45: We need a unified helpline all over India to collect wate, call police, fire, ambulance, availing government schemes etc.
Chapter 46: To develop North-East India, construct a road connecting Manipur and Hanoi in Vietnam. Link that road with Singapore via Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia.
Chapter 47: Make all deserts of India green. Plant millions of trees in deserts and create a new green India.
Chapter 48: Cleanup our rivers and oceans of plastic waste and chemical toxins. Save our seas, rivers and marine life and other freshwater creatures from extinction.
Chapter 49: People of India should enjoy their life. Make travel cheap, build huge hotels, resorts and parks for enjoyment as much as possible. Everyone should lead an “Adipoli” life.
Chapter 50: Start rail commerce all over India. Sell goods from cities to rural areas and thousands of villages of India via trains.
Chapter 51: Conclusion of this book.
About Author — Muniyara Ramasimhan ( Gijo Vijayan)

How to develop India in a very big way?
By Muniyara Ramasimhan (Gijo Vijayan)

Grab this book today itself, Order your copies online here:
Price: Rs.399/
Published: Notion Press, Chennai, India

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