Throw away your Toothpaste — USE Neem or Babul Twigs (DATUN) to brush your teeth and save yourselves from deadly diseases in future.

Dear Friends
I am Gijo Vijayan from India. I am a blogger, author and entrepreneur. I am writing this blog to save the lives of millions of people worldwide.
People all over the world start their day by brushing their teeth using toothpaste everyday. This is common in every part of the world. Toothpastes contain chemicals that can harm you on long term. It is slow poison. Everyday you consume little bit of slow poison and one day it can be the cause of diseases.

Sometimes you may be wondering how suddenly people get deadly diseases all of a sudden even though they do not smoke or drink, consume normal food. The root cause is the slow poison we take inside everyday via packed food, toothpaste, polluted air, packed drinking water and other materials.
The most common ingredient of any common toothpaste is fluoride.
Most toothpastes contains fluoride which can be poisonous if enough is swallowed. Often this requires ingesting more than a few mouthfuls. Fluoride in toothpaste usually comes in one of three forms: sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate, and stannous fluoride.

Fluoride is a poison to the human body, I wonder why companies add fluoride ? Using a toothpaste containing fluoride can degrade your tooth and bones.
When we brush our teeth, a bit of toothpaste form formed in our mouth goes into our stomach with our our knowledge and eventually a bit of slow poison enter into our blood. When you put in bit of poison into your body everyday, it can be the cause of disease for you long term.

Why Toothpaste Can Be Bad For You ?
Not only is toothpaste not necessary, but it can also be harmful to your teeth. Most paste contains an abrasive that can cause micro abrasion. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to what type of toothpaste you buy. … But, if it’s above 250, the toothpaste may harm your enamel.
Does toothpaste get into your bloodstream?
Even though toothpaste isn’t something we’re meant to ingest, our mouths are one of the most absorbent areas of the body. Because your mouth is so absorbent, the chemicals found in conventional toothpaste are readily and easily absorbed directly into the bloodstream.
Does your body absorb fluoride from toothpaste?
When swallowed, fluoride is absorbed via the stomach and intestines, and passes rapidly round the body in the bloodstream. Peak blood levels appear in 30–60 minutes after swallowing. The most soluble fluoride compounds, such as sodium fluoride in water, tablets and toothpaste, are almost completely absorbed.
Toxic chemicals in toothpaste and mouthwash. Watch Video
So, what is the alternative to toothpaste?
There are two types of Twigs (Datun) people use in India to brush the teeth. NEEM and BABUL.
People of Bharat (India) has been using twigs of Neem and Babul Trees (Datun) to brush the teeth for thousands of years. People in India never used toothpaste before. After Britishers captured India, they introduced toothpaste and tooth brush in India. Now most people in India brush their tooth using toothpaste everyday consuming little bit of slow poison everyday.

Diseases are rampant in India now days. There is not even a single household in urban India that does not consume medicines because many people are sick in one way or the other. This is because of the consumption of packed food and breathing polluted air everyday.
If we get rid of toothpaste, we can save ourselves from diseases in future. Stop using toothpaste and go back to nature. Start using babul or Neem Datun (twigs) to brush your tooth everyday in the morning.

Neem has strong anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Brushing teeth with organic neem datun sticks effective in fighting germs, maintaining the alkaline levels in your saliva, keeping bacteria at bay, treating swollen gums, preventing plaque and also giving you whiter teeth.
What are the benefits of datun (Neem twigs) ?
It kills bacteria in mouth and tighten gums. It protects the teeth and it is natural. Neem juice when it gets into the body makes you healthy unlike toothpaste that is a chemical that will destroy your health.

Brushing teeth with neem datun helps to maintain the alkaline levels in your saliva, further aiding in remineralizing enamel and fighting against cavity-causing bacteria.
Datun also Prevent plaque and Teeth whitening. It will also eliminate the foul smell of your mouth and makes you fresh.

How to brush your teeth using Datun (Neem or Babul Twigs) ?
Put a datun stick in your mouth and bite the end continuously, chew it and bristles will be formed at the end. Use these bristles to clean your teeth. A small amount of neem oil is released when you brush your teeth with neem twigs. Neem oil and its antibacterial properties are major factors behind the effectiveness of the neem datun.
Where to get Neem or Babul Twigs ?
If you are staying in a city, getting Neem or Babul Twigs may be a challenge. In thousands of villages in India, Neem or Babul Twigs are used everyday.
In Patna City, BIHAR, I recently purchased neem twigs (Datun), you can get it very cheap at Rs.5/. Given below is the photo. I use these sticks to brush my teeth everyday, I feel fresh and energetic after brushing my teeth using Neem or Babul Twigs (Datun).

Here are some online websites that sell Neem or Babul Twigs (Datun) online.
Note: I suggest you buy Neem or Babul Twigs (Datun) from local people in your city. When you order the same online and reach you it can be dry. You need to use fresh twigs and chew them everyday also clean your teeth. Using Datun will help you keep away diseases but also makes your teeth, gums healthy and mouth free from foul smell and bad odor.

Final word:
If you are a wise person, I suggest you to replace your toothpaste with Neem or Babul Twigs (Datun). Make your children understand about the benefits of the same and our ancient wisdom. Consuming slow poison everyday can lead to dangerous diseases in future. Millions of people are already victims of slow chemical poisoning via brushing teeth using chemical filled toothpaste. Kindly spread this word and save lives of people. All the best.
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Warm Regards
Mob: +91 9798404042
Patna, Bihar, India
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